Friday, September 27, 2013

Project #2 Art Gallery Visit #1- Responding To Artwork

A. Impact or impression:

1. Temple of Albers (Acrylic on canvas), Richard Anuszkiewicz, 1984:

When I first saw this painting I was so drawn in. The perfect symmetry and the color combinations were so fascinating I didn’t want to stop looking at it.

2. Serie 14 No.2 (Acrylic on Canvas), Julio Le Parc, 1970:

Like the first painting this also drew me in from the start. I really like contemporary art and the colors in it were so harmonious and the symmetry of this piece as well was very  appealing to the eye. I didn’t want to look away.

B. Feel a connection:

                1. View From the Bone Marrow Transplant, unit #1 (Chromogenic color prints), John Pfahl, 1993-2003:

                When I saw this series of paintings I began wondering what they were about, and then I read the description and felt very sullen and yet proud at the same time. Growing up I spent a majority of time for weeks at a time in the hospital room. My problems were nowhere near as bad as cancer or anything like that, but I know how sad and depressing they can be. Some of the prints were sand and gloomy and some of them were happy and I somehow felt like I understood the struggle that the author was trying to display.

                2.  Zobop (Stairs)(Vinyl tape), Jim Lambie, 2003:

 This art piece is pretty “hands on” and interactive seeing as you actually have to step on it to navigate through the Albright. I thought that was so cool and when I was walking down the stairs I felt like really connected with the piece, because unlike the others in the museum you could actually touch and feel the art. The one question I would think to ask the artist is how they felt about thousands of people stepping on their artwork?


C. Want to know more about:

                1. No Title (Folding table and chairs, beige) (paint, metal, and fabric), Robert Therrien, 2006:

                This piece was by far my favorite in the whole gallery. It made me feel young and small and made me question so many things. Like how on earth Therrien got the chairs and the table that big? and where on earth did he come up with the idea? The whole thing was just genius.

                2. Model for Room No.2 (Mylar on wood), Lucas Samaras, 1966:

This piece was just beautiful and they was that it was exhibited was just great but my one and only question was what room this would intended for, and what kind of house or space was it for?


justuscr01's AED 200 Project 4 album on Photobucket


  1. hey Coutney! its me Paul again! You are so lucky! I tried to take a picture of those giant chairs but this security guard or so called bodyguards wouldn't let me! I was really motivated to sit down and compare my size on the chair. well anyways, thanks for the post!

  2. I really like the Zobop stairs artwork, your right its the only art you can touch and I thought it was so mesmerizing to stair at. The chairs were awesome too, I was able to snap a picture of it before security told me "no pictures".
