Thursday, December 12, 2013

Course Reflection: AED200

1st blog post:

Hello, I’m Courtney Justus and this is my blog for AED 200. Setting up a Gmail account and then a blog was really simple and very fast. Everything was pretty self explanatory but at the same time very helpful. I’m really excited for this class to begin! It seems like there is a lot to learn, and I’m most excited to learn different techniques for interpreting art. I also want to learn about different artists and art in general. I really do enjoy taking online classes. The only negative for me is that you don’t really get peer to peer in-person contact, but they are very easy for me. I am a very self driven person so the fact that I can do most of them at my own speed with basic prompts from professors is a real plus for me.

1st Discussion group:

All About Me: Courtney Justus

Justus, Courtney


1.) Courtney Justus

2.) Interior Design

3.) It fulfilled a requirement and I was able to take the course online so it was more convenient for my schedule.

4.) I just hope to learn more about art in general (artists, mediums, and other techniques)

5.) No, I have taken a few different online classes here at Buff State.

6.) I think art is anything that is created that evokes some kind of feeling of makes you think.

7.)I would have to say Andy Warhol.


1.      What were you expectations for this course and where they met?

This course met and exceeded my expectation. One of the most beneficial art classes that ive taken at BSC.

2.      Now that you've been through this course, what is art? How would you define it now compared to your initial posting?

I think that art is anything around you that evokes feeling, makes you think, and presents itself as art. My original idea is not very far off of the new version but I definitely have evidence to back those statements up because of this class.

3.      Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so?

The two are the same and my favorite artist is/was Andy Warhol. I think this course in general showed me a new side of Warhol and I think now I’m even more obsessed. The whole vibe of his art is carefree and no rules and I think that is just so great.

4.      Now that you've completed this course, how do you feel about taking an online course? Is your answer the same as it was in your first posting? How is it the same or different?

Basically, I have taken online classes before so it wasn’t really anything new of different for me.

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